It's 10:46, and I Promised I'd Have My Life Figured Out by 10:30

By Joshua Poetry


"It's 10:46, and I Promised I'd have my life figured out by 10:30."

I do this a lot.

Create these unrealistic goals to, find some sort of motivation.

But in reality, they just leave me feeling failure and frustration.

Because even in those moments where I complete my goals on time,

Contentment only visits until I find another finish line.
Because I'm always more in love with the person I could be than the person I am.

And that is an exhausting way to live.

Because love is beautiful.

Yes, it's uplifting and fulfilling and forgiving, but if you always give it to your future, then you'll never find it in the present, which is where we're all living.

So I think it's time to learn how to fix that.

"But I better get to it because now it's already 10:47, and I kinda want to have this all figured out by 11."